EU forests law needed

Last month your pressure helped change Unilever’s forest policies for the better (in just 50 days, over half a million people watched our Dove video on YouTube and DailyMotion). Now the forests need your help again. Will you take a few minutes to help get the European Commission to vote for a law against illegal logging?

Click here to take action - send the European Commission a message

On July 23rd the European Commission is expected to vote on proposed legislation to stop illegal logging — action is vital because 80 percent of the world?s forests have already been destroyed or degraded.

Because there is no law against illegally logged timber in Europe, huge amounts of illegal timber are sold in Europe every day primarily as building materials, or paper products. If you live in Europe you have probably purchased products made with illegal timber. Not only does illegal logging harm indigenous people in the Amazon, Congo Basin and Indonesia, it is also a major factor of deforestation, which is responsible for 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.

The European commission has ignored the need for a law for almost five years. Even now European Commission President José Manuel Barroso is being lobbied by companies who profit from illegal timber to reject legislation.

Public pressure is absolutely essential now to urge the Commission to protect the forests and the climate.

Click here to send the European Commission a message.

Please write to President Barroso today for a yes vote on July 23rd.


Tom, Juliette, Eoin, Dietlind, and all the forests campaign


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1. EdithManning22 - February 10, 2011

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